
We understand that your employees are your greatest asset and that quick, accurate payroll processing is vital to your growing business.

Whether you’re simply seeking advice on optimising your payroll system and meeting your ATO obligations or you’re ready to outsource your payroll processing, we have a cost-effective solution for you.

Our highly-trained staff understand the importance of accurate, fully-compliant employee payroll and are happy to provide advice and support.

Paid Parental Leave

Navigating the Centrelink system when it’s time for new parent employees to go on leave can be challenging.

Not to worry – we’ll instruct you in precisely what you and your employee will need to do and we’ll liaise with Centrelink to handle the processing of any required payments.

Annual PAYG Summaries

Your annual PAYG summaries don’t have to be a hassle.

We cross-reference your entire pay run with what was paid to all of your employees including tax and superannuation. From there, we’ll create your group certificates and send them to you for approval.

After you give the “all clear”, we’ll lodge them with the ATO and your employees will be able to view their details via their myGov account.


If you’re in the construction industry, you’ll know it’s your quarterly obligation to report to CoINVEST for your employees’ long-service leave entitlements.

Let us manage this for you and provide CoINVEST with the details on how many business days your employee worked and their earnings.

From there, CoINVEST will report back to you with exactly what should be paid into each employee’s account.


End of financial year is a key time to update your annual remuneration information and provide a rough estimate for the following financial year. This total includes any benefits you may have paid to your employees.

We make it easy for you and will work with you to submit this information to Workcover and notify WorkSafe of any changes to your business.

Keeping this information accurate and up-to-date will ensure you’re paying the correct premium for your insurance and avoiding any penalties that may apply.

Getting Compliant with Single-Touch Payroll (STP)

Is your business ready for Single-Touch Payroll (STP)? STP is a new step in reporting tax and superannuation to the ATO.

From 1 July 2019, you’ll need to start using STP. At Thats Right Bookkeeping, as a registered BAS agent, let us manage your new STP requirements for you. We can report to the ATO on your behalf or we can help you to manage your own reporting.

Whatever you decide, we’ll ensure your transition to STP goes smoothly and your ATO obligations are met.

Book a FREE Consultation

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us – we’re here to answer your questions and provide the support you need.

Or call us on (03) 9769 8408

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