| Fair Work

Secure Jobs, Better Pay: changes to Australian workplace laws

The Australian Government has passed the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022. This legislation amends the Fair Work Act to change a number of existing rules and introduces a range of new workplace laws.

The new laws start on different dates. Read on for more information about the changes and when they start.

Key changes

Timeline showing key start dates for changes under the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022-  Can be Downloaded here: Secure Jobs, Better Pay timeline.

The Fair Work Act has been amended to change a number of existing rules and include a range of new laws. Many of these changes start on 7 December 2022, but other changes start later.

Find out more about these changes and when they start:

What applies now

The following changes have started:

Job security and flexible work

Gender equality measures

Enterprise agreements and enterprise bargaining

Abolition of the ABCC and the ROC

More information

For more information, you can: