| Fair Work

Changes to the National Training Wage schedule in the Building Award

On 8 September 2022, the Fair Work Commission changed the National Training Wage schedule in the Building Award.

The changes apply from the first pay period on or after 1 November 2022.

What’s changing

The Building Award’s National Training Wage schedule (Schedule D) has been replaced with a new tailored schedule.

Key changes to Schedule D include:

  • Adding minimum weekly rates for trainees, previously found in clause 19.10
  • Deleting some training packages and adding others
  • Removing references to Wage level C, which has never applied in the Building Award.

For more information, see Changes to the National Training Wage schedule in the Building Award.

More Information

You can also read the Fair Work Commission’s:

Pay Rates

Want to check pay rates? We’ve updated our Pay and Conditions Tool.